Sunday, April 19, 2009

Our Family Garden!!

We've been really busy so I don't even know where to begin, but Walter is running, jumping and climbing. He says Thank You, okay, hello, bye-bye, mine, no, Mamma & Dadda amoung a few others. He's so sweet.

Isabella is full of energy, imagination, adventure and curiosity. Watching her learn and grow into a little girl is a true joy although sometimes I can't find any baby left in her and it breaks my heart.

I'm able to do a little gardening again. Isabella is old enough to help out and Walter loves to sit in a big chair and watch us work. Isabella helped pick out a few plants of her own, dig the soil and plant them. We have taken photos and will document the growth of our little garden. We have planted lots of great fruits, vegetables and herbs. Isabella is responsible for her very own strawberry patch, lavender and marigolds.

Walt is helping us build a compost bin as well as putting up rain barrels to use for watering our garden from warm rain water. The garden is 100% organic with no chemicals or fertilizers at all. I can't wait to cook with fresh veggies straight from the garden, what a fun learning experience for all of us this will be!!

Here are a few more great shots of us hanging out at the river in Alabama when Walt passed through on his way to Memphis while he was working. It was a beautiful sunset!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ballerina and Baby Steps

Today was observation day at Green Hills School of Dance, so we got to watch Isabella and all her ballerina friends.  It was so precious.  Everytime it was her turn to perform she would run over to me and give me a hug and kiss on the cheek before her summersault, kartwheel or gallop:)Walter is totally on the move now!  He is walking from one side of the room to the other without holding on to anything.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Big Birthday Bash!

We Celebrated Walter's first, Isabella's third and Walt's thirty-something-ish birthdays this week!  It was a blast.  I spent all week baking and preparing the cakes...from scratch.  It was so much fun to decorate them.  Isabella asked for a Tinkerbell cake, you can't tell in the photos of course, but Tink's wings fluttered on the cake!

Also, on Sunday, Isabella's birthday Walter took his first official steps.  Twice he took 4 slow and steady steps from one person to another!  He is definately walking now, we're in serious trouble!!!