Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Mama's Boy

I've hit the home stretch...4 weeks to go. The good news is, there's only 4 weeks to go. The bad news is that leaves me only 4 weeks to clean my house, wash new baby clothes, unpack baby toys and endless baby paraphanalia that you feel you can't live without.

Seriously, what did mother's do without pack and plays, bouncy seats, baby einstien, co-sleepers, baby papasan, diaper genie & wipe warmers? Oh wait, I know, they had room left in their attic and their houses did not look like 5 star daycare centers.

Anyway, we got to get all that junk back out so at least we can feel like the lifesavings we spent on it was not in vain. And then, I don't know why, but if you've given birth you know there is a from the depths of the soul driving to clean all the base boards in the house and reorganize the kitchen cabinets before giving birth. When I was pregnant with Isabella I became compeltely obsessed with stocking canned goods, toilet paper, trash bags and paper towels. It's kind of like Y2K, only the reality is that it does actual come, rock your world and leave you incapable of leaving the house for several years without facing serious threat.

I'm still working. As a amatter of fact I have a client meeting scheduled the day before my c-section. I can see it now, being wheeled out of the delivery room hopped up on pain pills and trying to negotiate a faulty inspection of mysterious hay left in an attic. Yes, this has been an issue in the past...anyway. I think it will be good. It will help keep my mind on something other than knowing in 24 hours my stomach will be cut open and a baby removed. This baby, I am convinced in gigantic. Izzy was big, but this guy...I'm guessing 21 inches at least. When he moves I feel it in my left rib cage and my right hip bone.

He woke me up at 6 am this morning with the hiccups. Isabella used to get them all of the time too. I think that is one of my favorite things about being pregnant. He kicks hard, but he's not all crazy and frantic like Izzy was. I think he's going to be laid back like his Daddy. At least that's the thought that keeps me going. My first born is a rounder. She's the busiest toddler I've ever laid eyes on. I knew I was in trouble before she was born. I felt it. She kept me up all night everynight. When she was born her first cry even shocked the doctor and the nurses. Imagine, how many babies do they hear cry a day? How crazy is it when they can't stop talking about how loud your baby is crying in a delivery room? It scared me then. It scares me now.

Yes, my little laid back angel and his hiccups. I can't wait to meet him. I can't wait to hold my little Mama's boy.

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