Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Super Mom

Two weeks ago I took my 2 year old and my 5 week old baby to the zoo...alone. Yes, I put the baby in the sling and packed a backpack with all the essentials. No stroller, no daddy, no worries. We had 4 hours of pure kid fun. We even ate grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup at the Zoofari cafe without a single power struggle, outburst or toddler tantrum. The baby slept quietly until we got back to the van. I quickly nursed him in the backseat and then we headed home.

I couldn't keep the smile off of my face. I wanted to tell all the mothers in the parking lot what I had accomplished. This is cake. I am a great mother. I am woman hear me roar. I can bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan and go to the zoo with a nursing newborn and a high energy toddler. Bring it on.

Yesterday was warm and sunny and a perfect day for the zoo. We loaded up and headed out, but something was wrong already. Izzy was upset on the way over but I really couldn't figure out why. When we got out of the car she didn't want to hold my hand and I had to fight to keep her from running out into the parking lot alone. I put the baby in the sling and put the bag together and gasp...forgot the stroller. Oh well, we've been strollerless before but this time I had no backpack so we'd have to go without the essentials.

I handed Izzy her juice and we were off.We made it about 1/4 way into the zoo when she realized (to my horror) she had lost her juice. Juice is the most important thing to this little girl. It is not an option to be without it. I tried to make it so fun she would forget, $2 carousel ride, $3.50 hotdog with $2 souvenier cup and $2 giant pretzel that was dropped on the ground and wasted.

No, we will have to go back to the car and get more juice. By the time we got there the baby was hungry so we had to get in so I could nurse him quickly. Izzy drank her juice and we were off again.Well, no, she's hanging on to the back of the van crying "ride, ride, please mamma ride". She wants to ride in the stroller I forgot.

So, back we go for a $6 stroller rental. She's so excited about the new stroller she wants to push it. Yeah, that's really fun trying to keep her from knocking everyone in her path down.Now, we've been at the zoo 2 hours and haven't seen or done anything really. I am not however going to let this day be a bust. 2 trips to the diaper changing station, a pair of wet pants and one lost wallet later I give up.

Feeling defeated I pack the kids in the van and head back to the house.Along the way, as they both sleep quietly in their carseats I look in the rear view mirror at the most beautiful child I have ever seen. Her brown curls falling across those soft cheeks. I remember how lucky I am. I realize how lucky they are to have someone who loves them enough to take them to the zoo to begin with. I realize I am a supermom after all.

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